
Antonio Torralba




VirtualHome: Representing Activities as Programs


Human-Computer Interaction
We aim to create a virtual environment where agents learn to perform human tasks by executing programs. Furthermore, we aim to develop models that can generate such programs from video or text, enabling agents to understand and imitate such activities.
photo of Antonio Torralba
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Sanja Fidler

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Kevin Ra


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Research Center

Center for Deployable Machine Learning (CDML)

The MIT Center for Deployable Machine Learning (CDML) works towards creating AI systems that are robust, reliable and safe for real-world deployment.


Research Group

Vision Group

Our researchers create state-of-the-art systems to better recognize objects, people, scenes, behaviors and more, with applications in health-care, gaming, tagging systems and more.


Learning words from pictures

Speech recognition systems, such as those that convert speech to text on cellphones, are generally the result of machine learning. A computer pores through thousands or even millions of audio files and their transcriptions, and learns which acoustic features correspond to which typed words.But transcribing recordings is costly, time-consuming work, which has limited speech recognition to a small subset of languages spoken in wealthy nations.